Intellectual property refers to the ownership of intangible and non-physical goods. This includes ideas, names, designs, symbols, artwork, writings, and other creations. It also refers to digital media, such as audio and video clips that can be downloaded online.
A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem.
A patent is the granting of a property right by a sovereign authority to an inventor. This grant provides the inventor exclusive rights to the patented process, design, or invention for a designated period in exchange for a comprehensive disclosure of the invention.
A trade mark is a brand name, a slogan or a logo. It identifies the services or goods of one person and distinguishes it from the goods and services of another.
What is an industrial design?
In a legal sense, an industrial design constitutes the ornamental aspect of an article. An industrial design may consist of three dimensional features, such as the shape of an article, or two dimensional features, such as patterns, lines or color.
Design is where function meets form. From a tables to a cellphone, industrial design is one of the key factors that attracts us to a product, or leads us to prefer using one product over another.
The Intellectual Property litigation Committee’s membership is made up of experienced litigators from all over the country working to keep IP litigators informed in all areas relating to patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, the internet, and related unfair competition cases.
If you have an invention or idea that you would like to patent, trademark, copyright or design you would like registered, we will make an appointment and discuss how the entire process works from the start. This is not a quick process because it is our duty to make sure that all areas are investigated so that we do not infringe on someone else’s ideas.